pondělí 31. ledna 2022

Vínoviny v novém kabátě

Naši milí přátelé ve víně, drazí čtenáři Vínovin,

Vaše oblíbené články ze světa vín, dostaly nový kabátek (etiketu) na https://www.vino-klub.cz/vinoviny. Všechny naše informace o novínkách a zajímavé čtení, recepty a příběhy odteď hledejte tam.

Těší se na Vás 

Vaše holky z Víno-klubu

Veronika, Tereza a Lenka

Holky z Víno-klubu na vinici U Tří dubů

3 komentáře:

raelynn řekl(a)...

"Areň s vínem: Inspirace do vaší" translates to "Arena with Wine: Inspiration for Yours" in English. It suggests a venue or event centered around wine, providing inspiration and ideas for your own wine-related activities or experiences. This phrase may refer to wine tastings, vineyard tours, or other wine-focused gatherings aimed at inspiring participants to explore and enjoy wine.
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Melissa řekl(a)...

Thanks for sharing the information. Vinoviny is a term derived from the Czech language, referring to a type of soft cheese known for its creamy texture and mild flavor. It is often used as a spread or ingredient in various dishes, contributing richness and taste to culinary creations.
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Mateodavid řekl(a)...

Informative article! I adore Vinoviny's new appearance! The revamp greatly facilitates content navigation and feels new and contemporary. It's wonderful to see that you have maintained the emphasis on high-quality wine writing while updating the website in a stylish manner, and the new style really improves the reading experience. looking forward to using the new platform to explore additional tales and insights. Keep update.
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